Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Chives Garclic Organic Seed
Allium schoenoprasum. Hardy perennial.A distinctive garnish with a tempting garlicky-chive flavor. This is a hardy perennial plant that grows in clumps like regular chives. Try them chopped in omelets, tomato dishes, salads, and oriental foods. Very...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Collards Georgia Southern Seed
Brassica oleraceaA nutritious and flavorful member of the broccoli/cabbage family. Grown for its tender blue-green leaves that are boiled or steamed for greens. Very easy to grow.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cosmos Picotee Seed
Cosmos bipinnatus. Annual.Glowing white flowers with pale pink edges make an elegant addition to a summer bouquet. Very easy to grow, with a long blooming season.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber National Pickling Seed
Cucumis sativusPickling cucumbers bear a concentrated heavy set of small blocky fruit with tender skins and crispy white flesh. Harvest regularly when fruit is 3-5″ for sweet or dill pickles.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Spacemaster Seed
Cucumis sativusSweet and crispy fruits on a space-saving 2′ vine. Perfect for patio planters and gardens too small for regular cucumber vines. Smooth dark green cucumbers reach 6-7” and are perfect for slicing.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Delphinium Pacific Giant Mix Seed
Delphinium elatum. Hardy perennial.Immense spires of double flowers in deep blue, purple, pink, and white. Blooms in late spring to early summer. Perfect for background planting and cut flowers.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Forget-Me-Not Blue Seed
Myosotis sylvatica. Hardy biennial.A profusion of tiny sky-blue flowers on compact plants. A lovely addition to borders and rock gardens, and provides a delicate blue background for spring bulbs. Blooms late winter through early summer.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Kale Dwarf Blue Curled Seed
Brassica oleraceaVery easy to grow, with dense, tasty leaves packed with nutrients. Cold hardy and resilient, its leaves are sweetest after they’ve been touched by a light frost.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lemon Balm Organic Seed
Melissa officinalis. Hardy perennial.Delicate, light green foliage with a lemon scent. Bushy plants make an attractive accent or perennial border. Makes a tasty tea when combined with mint. Easy to grow; not fussy about soil or sun. Prospers even in dry...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lettuce Buttercrunch Organic Seed
Lactuca sativaHeat tolerant and bolt resistant, with rich green leaves and creamy center. Crisp and delicious!
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lettuce Salad Blend Seed
Lactuca sativaGrow a complete salad mix all in the same row. This mixture is a custom blend of green and red lettuces. Succulent baby leaves can be cut every few weeks for a table-ready treat.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Marigold Tangerine Gem Seed
Tagetes signata (tenuifolia). Annual.Tangerine Gem produces a low mound of lacy, feathery-green foliage covered with masses of tangerine orange flowers. At its peak, the tiny 1/2″ flowers cover the plant. The foliage has a delightful lemon...
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