Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Salvia Violet Blue Seed
Salvia nemorosa. Hardy perennial.Lovely olive-green textured foliage, with tiny, violet-blue flowers that appear in late spring and last until hard frost. Reliable and easy to grow. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Savory Summer Seed
Satureja hortensis. Annual.A favorite with ancient Greeks and Romans, this quick-growing culinary herb is covered in midsummer with light purple flowers that attract pollinators. Use its pungent leaves to flavor dressings, soups, eggs, meats, vinegars...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Shiso Perilla Red Seed
Perilla frutescens. Annual.Milder in flavor than green shiso, this culinary herb combines the flavors of parsley, cilantro and basil. Frequently used as a sushi wrap.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Squash (Summer) Garden Spineless Hybrid Seed
Cucurbita pepoA tender and delicious top-performing summer squash. This plant has a very open habit that makes it easy to see the squash before they get to be elephant-sized. Plus, the fruits are spineless, which means no scratchy stems when harvesting...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sunflower American Giant Hybrid Seed
Helianthus annuus. Annual.These single-stemmed giants grow to 15′ or taller, and feature 10″ flower heads with yellow petals surrounding a brown center. Huge seed heads provide enough snacks for you…and the birds!
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sunflower Lemon Queen Seed
Helianthus annuus. Annual.Pale lemon yellow 8-10″ flowers top this tall, multi-branched sunflower in midsummer. Striking in tall borders and hedges. Very easy to grow. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sunflower Pastiche Seed
Helianthus annuus. Annual.Pastiche has pizzazz! Includes all shades from gold to red with bicolor and tricolor flower heads 4-5″ wide. The branching plant grows 5′ tall. Received the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sweet William Single Mixed Colors Seed
Dianthus barbatus. Hardy biennial.Elegant, brightly colored, and densely packed flower clusters on strong stems. Very easy to grow in borders, mass plantings, and containers. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Swiss Chard Fordhook Seed
Beta vulgarisThe classic Swiss chard known for its high yields all season long. Large, dark green leaves are packed with nutrients. Easy to grow; a vigorous producer in all climates.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Swiss Chard Ruby Red Seed
Beta vulgarisRuby Red, also known as rhubarb Swiss chard, features large, green crinkled leaves with deep red veins and stems. Delicious, highly nutritious and easy to grow.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomato (Pole) Lemon Boy Hybrid Seed
Lycopersicon lycopersicum. Indeterminate.Super-sweet, bright yellow, medium-sized fruits make an eye-catching display when sliced and served with bright red tomatoes. Top with a few leaves of fresh basil for the best of summertime treats. Resistant...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Turnip Shogoin Seed
Brassica rapaShogoin turnips are small sweet roots with tender and delicious greens. The flavor of the roots is so delicate that most people would hardly know it was a turnip. Pick young and sweet and use in stir-fry, soups and sautés.
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