Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Mustard Greens Gai Choi Seed
Brassica junceaA mild flavored leafy green vegetable that has been treasured in Asian cooking for centuries. All of the quick-growing plant is used, raw, or cooked. Add to soups and stir-fries. The root ispeeled, boiled, sliced, and served with soy...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nicotiana Only The Lonely Seed
Nicotiana sylvestris. Annual.Only the Lonely is know for its spectacular heady fragrance that fills the evening air. Towering stems are topped with clusters of nodding, candelabra-like white flowers. Each cluster is made up of dozens of trumpet shaped...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Pea Progress No. 9 Organic Seed
Pisum sativumEarly, dependable and flavorful. Plants bear large, dark green pods filled with eight or nine plump peas per pod. Easy care 15-20″ plants don’t require staking.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Poppy (California) Twister Mixed Colors Seed
Eschscholzia californica. Tender perennial.Twister exhibits unusual petal formation for a California poppy. It makes a stunning display in a group, and is a real show-stopper as a single plant. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Radish Champion Organic Seed
Raphanus sativusBright red round roots with crisp white flesh. A vigorous mid-season variety that develops quickly and is slow to become woody. Plant both extra-early and late for tasty radishes all season.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Radish Early Scarlet Globe Seed
Raphanus sativusEarly Scarlet Globe is fast-growing for a quick harvest of round, bright red radishes with crispness and mild, peppery flavor. Eat them fresh from the garden, whole or sliced in salads.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Squash (Summer) Cocozelle Organic Seed
Cucurbita pepoThis long, slender zucchini is dark green with lighter green stripes. Very tasty when picked young as a baby zucchini with the flowers attached. Produces over an extended season. Use baked, grilled, raw, frozen and pickled.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Squash (Winter) Waltham Butternut Organic Seed
Cucurbita moschataAn improved variety with an extra small seed cavity and a thick, straight neck. Butternut is known for its orange flesh with rich, nutty flavor. Natural resistance to squash borers. Will store for six months or longer.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sunflower Dwarf Mixed Colors Organic Seed
Helianthus annuus. Annual.A striking blend of rich brown, deep mahogany, pale ivory and many bicolors. Plants are strongly branched with an abundance of 3-5″ flowers. Perfect in borders and hedges for the edge of a vegetable garden or ornamental...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Swiss Chard Rainbow Organic Seed
Beta vulgarisA bouquet of multicolored stems and wrinkled green and bronze leaves. Harvest tender young leaves for subtle, earthy flavor. Easy to grow. A vigorous producer in all climates.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomatillo Green Organic Seed
Physalis ixocarpaEasy to grow and prolific. Produces 2-3″ round fruits with a tart citrus flavor. A staple in Mexican dishes and perfect for green salsas.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Turnip Purple Top White Globe Organic Seed
Brassica rapaSmooth white roots with attractive purple crowns. Both roots and tops are edible and provide an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Best flavor when grown as a spring, fall or winter crop. Very easy to grow.
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