Spring Bulbs Tips & Tricks
Posted by Sheila Macias on Mar 24th 2023
Bulb storage until planting
- Bulbs cannot be planted outside until the soil is 50° or more.
- Store in a cool, dark, dry spot until a few days before planting 40° - 50°
- 2-3 days before planting bring them into room temperature to wake up for planting.
Begonias (not winter hardy)
- Start indoors 8-12 weeks before the last frost.
- Put in a warm area around 70° with the concave side up. This is where the “eyes” will sprout.
- Plant with just an inch of soil over the top. Water well, put in a part sun location with either morning or afternoon sun.
Dahlias (not winter hardy)
- These do best when started outdoors. Soil temperature should be at least 60°
- Plant in full sun, out of the wind and DO NOT WATER. Put a support stake in when planting so not to damage tubers when plant is mature.
- Dahlias should not be watered until there is a sprout showing. Do not cover it with mulch. Dahlias like warm roots.
Freesia (not winter hardy)
- When the soil is at least 60° plant 2” deep, 3” apart, tip up in a sunny location.
- The stems need support as they grow. Keep moist but not soggy.
- These bloom 10-12 weeks after being planted. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer like 20-20-20
Gladiolus (not winter hardy)
- These bloom late summer. Some varieties can take 90 days or more to bloom. Great late summer color.
- Mulch around plants to keep soil moist.
- For cut flowers, plant in rows. For showy blooms plant in clusters of 7 or more.
Lilies – Zones 3-8 (these overwinter outside)
- Plant in full sun, at a depth 3 times the height of the bulb. 2” bulb plant 6” deep.
- Easy to grow and maintain. Toxic to cats, even the pollen.
- For best effect, plant in groups of 3-5