Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Dianthus Gaiety Mixed Colors Seed
Dianthus chinensis. Annual.Lightly scented flowers come in white, pink, red, and bi-colors. Compact plants produce an abundance of delightfully fragrant blossoms for cheery summer bouquets. Popular...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Delphinium Pacific Giant Mix Seed
Delphinium elatum. Hardy perennial.Immense spires of double flowers in deep blue, purple, pink, and white. Blooms in late spring to early summer. Perfect for background planting and cut flowers.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Daisy Shasta Alaska Seed
Chrysanthemum maximum. Hardy perennial.Shasta daisy is a splendid plant for the perennial border and early summer cut flowers. The bright white blossoms with sunny-yellow centers bring a cooling...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Daisy African Mixed Colors Seed
Dimorphotheca sinuata. Annual.This low growing South African native produces masses of luminescent flowers in delicate shades of white, yellow, and orange. Blooms all winter in mild climates or late...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Dahlia Unwin's Mixed Colors Seed
Dahlia variabilis. Hardy annual.Dahlias are prized for their brightly colored flowers and lush green foliage. Unwin’s Mix has semi-double flowers in white, cream, rose pink, and red.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Straight Eight Seed
Cucumis sativusDelicious, crispy fruit throughout the summer. Straight Eight has been one of the most popular slicing cucumbers since it won the All American Selections Gold Medal in 1935.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Spacemaster Seed
Cucumis sativusSweet and crispy fruits on a space-saving 2′ vine. Perfect for patio planters and gardens too small for regular cucumber vines. Smooth dark green cucumbers reach 6-7” and...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber National Pickling Seed
Cucumis sativusPickling cucumbers bear a concentrated heavy set of small blocky fruit with tender skins and crispy white flesh. Harvest regularly when fruit is 3-5″ for sweet or dill pickles...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Lemon Seed
Cucumis sativusA delightful round yellow cucumber with fine, crunchy texture and non-bitter rind. Easy to grow and prolific, with abundant 2-3″ fruits from midsummer to fall.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Garden Sweet Hybrid Seed
Cucumis sativusGarden Sweet produces loads of tasty, thin-skinned, burpless cucumbers up to 12″ long. Disease resistant plants produce early and continue all season. Fruits maintain their...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cosmos Sensation Mixed Color Seed
Cosmos bipinnatus. Hardy annual.This tall, showy annual produces masses of brightly colored flowers from midsummer until frost. Plants do well in hot, dry locations and are usually not eaten by...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cosmos Picotee Seed
Cosmos bipinnatus. Annual.Glowing white flowers with pale pink edges make an elegant addition to a summer bouquet. Very easy to grow, with a long blooming season.