Fi-Shock PT500W2-FS 500 ft 2 in Polytape
- Highly visible to horses and other animals
- 2 in Polytape; 14 strands of electrical conductors
- 500 ft of tape on a spool
- Breaking load of 890 lb
- Easier to install, repair and splice than regular wiring
1501 E First Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
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Fi-Shock PT-200 1/2-Inch Polytape, 200 Meters/656 Feet Spool Highly visible to horses and other animals
FI-SHOCK® POLYTAPE TO POLYTAPE CONNECTOR Need a way to connect one strand of polytape to another? Our Fi-Shock® Polytape Connector is used to connect the polytape to the polytape on your...
FI-SHOCK® T-POST POLYTAPE INSULATORS This T-post insulator keeps polytape from moving on the T-post, preventing problems from arising with your electric fence. Available in 2 color options - white or...
Fi-Shock PA2TS-FS Poly Tape Splicer, 2-Inch 2" Polytape End Connector Connects one p
ZAREBA® 1/2 INCH POLYTAPE SPLICER Need more polytape to reach that distant post? This-1/2-inch polytape end connector allows you to connect one polytape to another so you can reach all of your...
ZAREBA® POLYTAPE TO ENERGIZER CONNECTOR Need to connect the polytape to the charger? Our Zareba® Polytape to Energizer Connector connects the polytape to the charger on your electric fence...
FI-SHOCK® POLYROPE CONNECTOR Need more polyrope to reach that distant post? Our Fi-Shock® Polyrope Connector is made of stainless steel and allows you to connect one polyrope to another so...
FI-SHOCK® RUBBER GATE HANDLE When planning your fence, there are several things you should consider. Among these things are placement of the gate and the type of gate handle to use. Your electric...