Spinacia oleracea
The best spinach for year-round sowing. Very productive and slower to bolt than most other spinach. Great cooked or in a fresh salad. Smooth leaves make it easier to wash. Resistant to downy mildew.
1501 E First Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
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RegisterSpinacia oleracea
The best spinach for year-round sowing. Very productive and slower to bolt than most other spinach. Great cooked or in a fresh salad. Smooth leaves make it easier to wash. Resistant to downy mildew.
Lake Valley Seed
Spinacia oleraceaOld-time garden favorite, quick to produce bunches of crinkled-leaved rosettes packed with vitamins and minerals. Best flavor and production when grown in cool weather.
Lake Valley Seed
Spinacia oleraceaOld-time garden favorite, quick to produce bunches of crinkled-leaved rosettes packed with vitamins and minerals. Best flavor and production when grown in cool weather.
Lake Valley Seed
Cucumis sativusGarden Sweet produces loads of tasty, thin-skinned, burpless cucumbers up to 12″ long. Disease resistant plants produce early and continue all season. Fruits maintain their crisp...
Lake Valley Seed
A very early and reliable producer. Each stalk is about 5′ tall and bears several 6-7″ ears packed with plump yellow kernels. Early Sunglow will be the first sweet corn on your table, sometimes as...
Lake Valley Seed
Helianthus annuus. Annual.These single-stemmed giants grow to 15′ or taller, and feature 10″ flower heads with yellow petals surrounding a brown center. Huge seed heads provide enough snacks for...