Sweet Merlin
For best quality beets, sow seeds before midsummer heat and again in early fall. Keep soil evenly moist throughout the growing season. Be sure to thin beet seedlings carefully several times as they grow best when given enough room.
Harvest mature beets when at least several inches in diameter or size them up even bigger. Cut off the tops and reserve. Wash the roots, wrap in foil and then roast to perfection in a preheated 350° F oven until tender when pierced—takes at least an hour, depending on your oven. Cool, peel, slice and enjoy with butter and chopped fresh herbs. Or simply peel, slice and add roasted beets to salads. Steam the tender beet tops for tasty and nutritious greens.
Seed Count: 250-255 / Weight: 4 gms / F-1 Hybrid