Heirloom White Nigella
Bridal Veil
EXCLUSIVE - This hard-to-find nigella has multifaceted 2-inch blossoms with pure white petals and deeply contrasting, striking black centers. These enticing flowers float above ferny green foliage and make good cut flowers for indoor bouquets. When the plentiful white blossoms fade, they are followed by very decorative spidery seedpods that are simple to air dry for handsome everlasting dried flower arrangements. Reliable Nigella is carefree and easy to grow in all climates.
Spring/summer bloom
Can handle light frost
Make several successive sowings from early spring through early summer and you'll have these carefree specialty flowers blooming all season long. As flowers fade, cut stems of the decorative seedpods. Hang carefully upside down in bundles out of the direct sun to easily dry for everlasting arrangements. Let some seedpods mature and stay on the plants to spill seed and these graceful flowers will come up year after year.
Seed Count: Approx. 175 / Weight: 0.25 gms