Ornamental Sunflowers
Cinnamon Sun
EXCLUSIVE – This gorgeous variety has 5 to 6 inch flower faces with brightly glowing cinnamon-bronze petals and chocolate centers. Cinnamon Sun’s vibrant color accents all other garden flowers. You’ll find the sturdy stalks topped by clusters of big blooms make a wonderful garden screen or backdrop. These rich-colored beauties make handsome bouquets. Then, after bloom is finished, the seed heads offer tasty, nutritious snacks for fall songbirds.
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
Several weeks before last frost date, sow seeds 1/2 inch deep in individual pots of well-drained seed starting mix. Keep moist and provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside. Transplant carefully, disturbing the roots as little as possible.
Space seedlings 12 to 15 inches apart when seedlings are large enough to handle so plants will have ample room to grow.
Growing these colorful flowers is easy and rewarding. Make several sowings 3 weeks apart to have a succession of flowers in full bloom. Keep soil moist and well weeded and protect seedlings from birds with netting or plastic berry baskets, removing before plants get crowded. Be sure to thin properly when seedlings are about 3 inches tall.
Seed Count: 20-25 / Weight: 1 gm / F1