Kneehigh Sunflowers
Music Box
EXCLUSIVE – These award winning short sunflowers are real powerhouses with an abundance of perky 4 to 5 inch flower faces to fill your beds and borders. The bushy plants bloom freely in lively sunny shades from rich clear yellow to deep gold and cream with pretty bicolors of bronze over gold, all with crisp petals and chocolate center disks. Music Box will delight you with long-blooming exuberant flowers in the garden or to use in bouquets.
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
Several weeks before last frost date, sow seeds 1/2 inch deep in individual pots of well drained seed starting mix. Keep moist and provide a strong light source until ready to plant outside only when night temperatures have reached 50-55°F (10-13°C). Transplant carefully into the garden in full sun, disturbing the roots as little as possible.
Space seedlings 12 inches apart so plants have ample room to grow.
With its short 2 1/2 foot stature and abundant lively flowers, multi-branching Music Box is an easy and reliable flower for cheerful summer color. Make several sowings 3 weeks apart to have a succession of flowers. Keep soil moist and well weeded and protect seedlings from birds with netting or plastic berry baskets, removing when crowded.
Seed Count: 40-45 / Weight: 0.75 gms