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Renee's Garden 'Cupani's Original' Heirloom Sweet Pea Seed

Renee's Garden

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Heirloom Sweet Peas

Cupani's Original

(Lathyrus odoratus)
Ours is an especially strong blooming strain of this heat tolerant treasured heirloom. Its ancestry can be traced to the first wild sweet peas from Sicily named for Father Francis Cupani, the Italian monk who discovered and sent them back to England in the 17th century. These intensely perfumed, beautifully bicolored flowers have petals of deep maroon purple and orchid-violet. The fragrance of these classic simple blossoms truly wafts in the air, delighting every passerby.


Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant


Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as ground can worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.

Seed Count: 35-40 / Weight: 3 gms