Farmers Market Lettuce Blend
Sweet Greens & Reds
Mixed lettuces thrive in mild weather with consistent moisture. To extend the sowing season into hot weather, sow in light shade or erect a canopy of loosely woven shade cloth over the bed. Birds are often attracted to tender young seedlings, so protect them if necessary.
To harvest by the “cut and come again” method, wait until plants are 4 or 5 inches tall. Cut as much lettuce as you need, using scissors to shear off a patch of leaves 1 to 2 inches above the soil level. Water well and fertilize lightly and plants will regrow for several more cuttings. Dress with a simple vinaigrette to enjoy the sweet flavor and juicy texture of these delicate young leaves at their best.
Seed Count: Approx. 1900 / Weight: 2 gms