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Happy Hen Spiral Leg Bands for Pets, Size 9

Happy Hen

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Happy Hen Treats Spiral Leg Bands for Pets, Size 9

Spiral Leg Bands help identify various characteristics of birds such as age, bloodline, and broodiness and they are extremely useful at poultry shows, fairs, and exhibitions.


Uncoil spiral band and place the bird’s leg inside. Allow band to close completely around the leg to its original shape. Do not allow a tight fit.

Caution: Remove leg bands from growing birds if bands become tight around the leg. Not a toy. Keep out of reach of children.
  • No tools required
  • Easy to apply
  • Fits most chickens
  • Each pack of 24 leg bands comes in 3 different color combinations
  • Made in the USA
Size 9 Fits:

Ameraucana, Ancona, Bantam Cochin, Cubalaya, Fayoumi, Faverolle, Hamburg, Lakenvelder, Leghorn, Mille Fleur, Polish, Silkie.