Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomato (Bush) Tumbler Hybrid
Lycopersicon lycopersicum. Determinate.No space for a garden? You can still have home-grown tomatoes. Tumbler produces plenty of sweet, cherry-sized tomatoes in a pot or tub.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomato (Pole) Stupice Seed
Lycopersicon lycopersicum. Indeterminate.An ultra-early tomato that is cold-tolerant and ripens with exceptional flavor. A high-yielder that consistently performs in cool spring weather, making it a good choice for northern climates. Potato-leaf...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Watermelon Sugar Baby Seed
Citrullus lanatus8″ round melons weigh 8-10 lbs. each. Inside, the fine textured flesh is sweet and juicy. Easy-to-grow plants are early to harvest and easy to store.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Zinnia Cut & Come Again Mixed Colors Seed
Zinnia elegans ‘Pumila Mix’. Annual.A cheerful mix of zinnias specially chosen for cutting. These plants produce an abundance of brightly colored blooms to fill the garden and bouquets. Plants bounce right back after cutting to...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Bell Pepper California Wonder Green Seed
Capsicum annuumA favorite for home gardeners. Stocky plants with glossy, deep green leaves bear large crops of 4-5″ green peppers. Mature peppers ripen to bright red and can contain more vitamin C than oranges.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Bean (Bush) Contender-Organic Seed
Phaseolus vulgarisA real standout in areas with hot, humid summers where Contender’s disease resistance makes it a dependable favorite. Big yields of 6″ pods that are slightly curved, round, meaty, and stringless. Great fresh, frozen, and...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Bean (Bush) French Garden Organic Seed
Phaseolus vulgarisCompact bush plants with bright green 5-6″ pods. The French Garden variety is versatile in the kitchen. It can be used for snap beans, green shelling or dry beans.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Carrot Rainbow Blend Seed
Daucus carotus sativusFour tasty varieties in one packet: Long, slender Atomic Red, whose color deepens when cooked. Mild and nearly coreless Lunar White. Sweet and crunchy Solar Yellow. Cosmic Purple, coreless orange flesh ringed in purple.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Chamomile Organic Seed
Matricaria recutita. Annual.Delicate apple-scented flowers shaped like miniature daisies. Makes a tasty herbal tea and attractive flowering border. Very easy to grow in pots, hanging baskets, and borders.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Straight Eight Seed
Cucumis sativusDelicious, crispy fruit throughout the summer. Straight Eight has been one of the most popular slicing cucumbers since it won the All American Selections Gold Medal in 1935.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Dahlia Unwin's Mixed Colors Seed
Dahlia variabilis. Hardy annual.Dahlias are prized for their brightly colored flowers and lush green foliage. Unwin’s Mix has semi-double flowers in white, cream, rose pink, and red.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Daisy Painted Robinson Mixed Colors Seed
Chrysanthemum coccineum. Perennial.Long stems of brightly colored flowers in scarlet, pink, and white. Painted Daisies form a 2-3′ clump of bright green, finely divided leaves. Blooms in early summer. Attracts pollinators.
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