Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Marigold Brocade Mixed Colors Seed
Tagetes patula nana double. Annual.Compact, bushy plant loaded with deep orange and bright gold blossoms. Great for patio containers, mass plantings or mixed with other summer annuals. Flowers from early summer till frost. Rarely bothered by heat or...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Super Sugar Snap' Sugar Snap Peas Seed
Sugar Snap Peas Super Sugar Snap The best variety of sugar snaps to eat whole when peas are round and ripe and pod walls are sweet, thick and juicy – you’ll be tempted to eat them all right off the plants! Super Sugar Snap vines...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nasturtium Tall Trailing Mixed Colors Seed
Tropaeolum majus lobbianum. Annual.This is the old-fashioned type nasturtium that rambles all over the garden. Single flowers bloom all season in delightful shades of cream, yellow, apricot, and red. Peppery leaves and flowers make a tasty addition...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lavender True Organic Seed
Lavendula angustifolia vera. Hardy perennial.The true English Lavender, treasured for potpourris and aromatherapy. A sun-loving bushy plant featuring fragrant purple flower stems and silveryleaves, True Lavender makes a delightful hedge or border...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lavender True Seed
Lavendula angustifolia vera. Hardy perennial.The true English lavender, treasured for potpourris and aromatherapy. A sun-loving bushy plant featuring fragrant purple flower stems and silvery leaves, true lavender makes a delightful hedge or border for...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Daisy English Bells Mixed Colors Seed
Bellis perennis. Hardy perennial.Flowers all season with full double blossoms in brightly colored shades of red, pink, and white. Blooms in the first year from seed. Lovely fall/winter color in mild climates. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Blazing Star Seed
Liatrus spicata. Perennial. This native prairie wildflower, also know as gayfeather, is a nectar-rich favorite of butterflies and hummingbirds. Its dense, bright purple flower spikes bloom from the top down atop long, sturdy stems springing from...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Poppy (California) Orange Seed
Eschscholzia californica. Tender perennial.America’s most popular wildflower. Glowing orange blossoms in delicate cup shapes. Beautiful as a single accent plant or grouped in masses. Great for dry areas. Blooms in 45-60 days from seed...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley, Swiss Giant Pansy
Viola x wittrockiana. Annual/biennial.A delightful assortment of bright colors on freely blooming, low growing plants. Easy to grow and blooms the first year from seed. Flowers all season in a cool location. Use for fall-winter color in mild...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lobelia Fountain Mixed Colors Seed
Lobelia erinus. Annual.Perfect for hanging baskets, window boxes, and patio containers. Masses of flowers in blue, sapphire, crimson, lilac, rose, and white. Easy to grow from seed. An impressive multi-colored display all season long.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nasturtium Alaska Mixed Seed
Tropaeolum nanum. Annual.Jewel-like blossoms top leaves decorated with splotches of creamy white, giving them an ornamental look even in midsummer heat when flowers are sparse. Peppery-flavored leaves and flowers are a great addition to salads.
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Fairy Garden Mix' Special Seed Blends Seed
Special Seed Blends Fairy Garden Mix Equal Parts: Love in a Mist, California Poppies, Annual Phlox, Forget-Me-Nots, AlyssumEXCLUSIVE – Everyone knows that fairies adore flowers! Here is a beautiful mix of low growing, delicate,...