Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Gangbusters' Longstanding Spinach Organic Seed
Longstanding Spinach Gangbusters EXCLUSIVE - Fast-growing and weather tolerant new spinach with juicy thick leaves and especially tasty mild sweet flavor. Pick individual leaves or cut whole plants over a long harvest season...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Lacinato' Italian Heirloom Kale Seed
Italian Heirloom Kale Lacinato EXCLUSIVE - This unique heirloom’s thick crinkled leaves are a beautiful deep blue-green that is an absolute standout in the garden. Lacinato has a fine, sweet, full flavor; never strong or overbearing...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Magic Beanstalk' Scarlet Runner Bean Seed
Magic Beanstalk Scarlet Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus)Vigorous Scarlet Runner Bean plants twine into showy full-leafed 10 to12 foot vines as quickly as Jack’s beanstalks. They are soon covered with sprays of brilliant scarlet blossoms...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Tibetan Lhasa' Traditional Chile Pepper Seed
Traditional Chile Peppers Tibetan Lhasa EXCLUSIVE – These fragrant, fiery, flavorful 4 inch chiles are the most widely grown variety in Tibet, where they are made into a spicy sauce or a tongue-tingling paste used in many dishes or...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Watermelon' Heirloom Radishes Seed
Heirloom Radishes Watermelon Plant this striking Asian heirloom at midsummer for fall harvesting. The roots will develop sweet flavor and crunchy texture as the weather cools down. The large, 2 to 4 inch roots with pale green exteriors and...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Amaranthus Love Lies Bleeding Seed
Amaranthus caudatus. Annual.“Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate” is another name for this dramatic old-fashioned garden favorite. Long draping ropes of wine-red flowers hang from tall sturdy stems. Thrives even in hot, dry locations. Lovely...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Carnation Chabaud Mix Colors Seed
Dianthus caryophyllus. Perennial.Colorful, fragrant, and free-flowering, with blossoms in a wide range of red, pink, and white with many bi-colors. Grassy evergreen foliage. Carnations begin blooming in their second year.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cosmos Candy Stripe Seed
Cosmos bipinnatus. Annual.Glowing white petals splashed with deep crimson. Some flowers are mostly white and some are mostly crimson, all combining into a lovely bouquet. Perfect for hot dry areas.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cosmos Sensation Mixed Color Seed
Cosmos bipinnatus. Hardy annual.This tall, showy annual produces masses of brightly colored flowers from midsummer until frost. Plants do well in hot, dry locations and are usually not eaten by wandering deer. Very hardy and easy to grow.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Hollyhock Summer Carnival Mix Seed
Alcea rosea. Hardy perennial.Bold double flowers on graceful, tall spires. A cottage garden favorite. Very heat and drought tolerant. Summer Carnival is an improved Chaters variety with a longer life and blossoms beginning late in the first season...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nicotiana Only The Lonely Seed
Nicotiana sylvestris. Annual.Only the Lonely is know for its spectacular heady fragrance that fills the evening air. Towering stems are topped with clusters of nodding, candelabra-like white flowers. Each cluster is made up of dozens of trumpet shaped...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nigella (Love in a Mist) Persian Jewels Mixed Colors Seed
Nigella damascena. Annual.Love-in-a-Mist has charming pastel flowers in blue, rose, pink, and white that resemble a ballerina’s skirt, with bright green stamens on top of the flower. Very easy to grow and will naturalize in many areas. Plants may...
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