Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Phlox Beauty Mixed Colors Seed
Phlox drummondi. Annual.An abundance of showy summer flowers in pastels and bright colors. Blooms prolifically in a cool moist location but will stand considerable heat and drought. Use in mixed borders and patio pots.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Poppy (California) Twister Mixed Colors Seed
Eschscholzia californica. Tender perennial.Twister exhibits unusual petal formation for a California poppy. It makes a stunning display in a group, and is a real show-stopper as a single plant. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Poppy (Oriental) Orange Seed
Papaver oreintale. Hardy perennial.Dramatic bright orange flowers with distinctive fern-like foliage that completely disappears after blooming. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Rudbeckia Indian Summer Seed
Rudbeckia hirta. Perennial.Huge blossoms, some measuring 6-9″ across. Long stems with single and double blossoms make this variety perfect for cutting. Just a few blossoms will fill an entire bouquet. Very easy to grow. Vigorous, bushy plants will...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Simpson Elite Seed
Lactuca sativaSimpson Elite combines the delicate flavor, crisp texture and frilly soft green leaves of Black Seeded Simpson lettuce with heat tolerance that makes it extra bolt resistan
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Statice Heavenly Blue Seed
Limonium sinuatum. Annual.Dense clusters of rich blue flowers on multiple branched stems. Decorative sprays of flowers turn white when dried, making it a favorite for dried flower arrangements.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sunflower Dwarf Mixed Colors Organic Seed
Helianthus annuus. Annual.A striking blend of rich brown, deep mahogany, pale ivory and many bicolors. Plants are strongly branched with an abundance of 3-5″ flowers. Perfect in borders and hedges for the edge of a vegetable garden or ornamental...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sunflower Sunspot Dwarf Seed
Helianthus annuus ‘Dwarf’. Annual.Sunspot features full-sized 10″ flowers on dwarf 1-2′ plants. This versatile plant never fails to attract attention. Grow in pots for a living bouquet or as a dwarf hedge in the garden.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sweet Pea Knee-High Dwarf Seed
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Dwarf’. Annual.Produces an abundance of sweetly perfumed flowers on vigorous, bushy vines. Grows to about 2 1/2′, perfect for large hanging baskets and containers.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sweet Pea Royal Family Mixed Seed
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Royal Family’. Annual.Produces an abundance of large, single colored, sweetly perfumed flowers on vigorous climbing vines. Perfect for covering fences and trellises with a bright mass of color.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Viola King Henry Seed
Viola cornuta. Hardy perennial.Covered with delightful pansy-like flowers of royal purple with a bright yellow eye. King Henry starts blooming in early spring and flowers until stopped by hot weather. Its petite size is perfect for any corner of the...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Zinnia Whirligig Mixed Colors Seed
Zinnia elegans. Annual.Giant double flowers in bright summer bicolors. Long stems are perfect for cutting over an extended blooming season. Bushy plants are at their best in a mass planting for a dazzling display. One of the best summer annuals for hot...