Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'North Shore' Heirloom Bouquet Sweet Pea Seed
Heirloom Bouquet Sweet Peas North Shore (Lathyrus odoratus) North Shore has bicolor blossoms with ruffled petals in stained-glass colors of rich claret and violet-blue. These long-stemmed flowers are sweetly perfumed and elegantly formed...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Painted Lady' Heirloom Runner Bean Seed
Heirloom Runner Bean Painted Lady (Phaseolus coccineus)EXCLUSIVE - This hard to find heirloom runner bean is a true antique, dating back to the early 19th century. The vines readily climb 8 to 10 feet up any vertical support, creating a...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Persian Violet Nigella' Love in a Mist Seed
Heirloom Love in a Mist Persian Violet Nigella (Nigella damascena)EXCLUSIVE – This special colored Nigella, (also called Love in a Mist), has dainty, multifaceted blossoms that open white with sky-blue edges, then deepen to a rich...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Runway Arugula' Salad Herbs Seed
Salad Herbs Runway Arugula (Eruca sativa)This outstanding arugula selection if distinguished by very attractive, deeply lobbed, oakleaf-shaped leaves. In our garden trials, Runway tastes deliciously tangy byt is slightly less pungent than...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Vanilla Berry' Hummingbird Nasturtium Seed
Hummingbird Nasturtiums Vanilla Berry (Tropaeolum majus)EXCLUSIVE – Carefree nasturtiums with buttercream-colored blossoms, each marked at the throat with a delicate etching in deep strawberry. These top setting, spurred flowers...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden Sweet Merlin Roasting Beets Seed
Sweet Merlin Specially selected by beet breeders for roasting to sweet perfection, Merlin grows quickly to produce tender-fleshed, dark ruby-red, globe-shaped beets with an especially high sugar content. Harvest at any stage of maturity;...
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