Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nasturtium Jewel Dwarf Mixed Seed
Tropaeolum nanum dwarf double. Annual.Vibrant colors with rich green foliage. Like other nasturtiums, this bushy variety is perfect in borders, baskets, and patio containers. Flowers are pleasantly fragrant and make a spicy addition to summer...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cabbage (Ornamental) Mixed Colors Seed
Brassica oleracea. Annual.A favorite for cool season gardens. Brightly colored leaf rosettes in bi-colors of green, pink, purple, and white. Colors intensify in cool weather. Edible leaves make an attractive garnish.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Forget-Me-Not Firmament Seed
Cynoglossum amabile. Hardy biennial.Produces masses of dainty blue flowers in late spring and early summer. A favorite addition around spring bulbs like daffodils and tulips. Very hardy and easy to grow. Plant in masses for best show.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lobelia Fountain Mixed Colors Seed
Lobelia erinus. Annual.Perfect for hanging baskets, window boxes, and patio containers. Masses of flowers in blue, sapphire, crimson, lilac, rose, and white. Easy to grow from seed. An impressive multi-colored display all season long.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Zinnia Cut & Come Again Mixed Colors Seed
Zinnia elegans ‘Pumila Mix’. Annual.A cheerful mix of zinnias specially chosen for cutting. These plants produce an abundance of brightly colored blooms to fill the garden and bouquets. Plants bounce right back after cutting to...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Dahlia Unwin's Mixed Colors Seed
Dahlia variabilis. Hardy annual.Dahlias are prized for their brightly colored flowers and lush green foliage. Unwin’s Mix has semi-double flowers in white, cream, rose pink, and red.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Daisy Painted Robinson Mixed Colors Seed
Chrysanthemum coccineum. Perennial.Long stems of brightly colored flowers in scarlet, pink, and white. Painted Daisies form a 2-3′ clump of bright green, finely divided leaves. Blooms in early summer. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Hollyhock Black Seed
Alcea rosea. Hardy perennial.Rich, satiny, deep purple to black flowers top tall, stately spires. Unique dark flowers contrast handsomely with light colored flowers in your garden. Very hardy and drought tolerant.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Portulaca (Moss Rose) Double Mix Seed
Portulaca grandiflora. Annual.Portulaca, or moss rose, is the perfect choice for hot, sunny locations, where it will thrive and produce a colorful carpet of small, rose-like flowers. Plants trail to about 18″ and are perfect in rock gardens and as...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Snapdragon Tetra Giants Mixed Seed
Antirrhinunm majus maximum. Hardy annual.Tetra Giants feature large, showy heads with larger, more brightly colored blossoms than common snapdragon. They thrive in cooler temperatures and can tolerate light frost, often adding a splash of color to your...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Strawflower Tall Mixed Colors Seed
Helichrysum bracteatum. Annual.Bunches of brilliantly colored papery flowers make this one of the most popular and easy to grow dried flowers. Withstands heat and drought.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sunflower Red Sun Seed
Helianthus annuus. Annual.Branched, abundant blossoms featuring vibrant red-bronze petals on 3-4” heads. Will bloom all summer long. Very easy to grow. Attracts pollinators.
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