Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Pepper (Hot) Jalapeno Early Organic Seed
Capsicum annuumAn early season variety with compact plants that grow well in containers. Produces an abundant crop of 3-4” pungent, medium-hot green peppers that ripen to red. Perfect for pickling. Scoville Heat Units: 3,500-8,000
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomato (Bush) Red Cherry Organic Seed
Lycopersicon lycopersicum. Determinate.Luscious clusters of bright red 1 1/2″ gems. Perfect to pop in your mouth right in the garden, and a cheery addition to a salad or vegetable platter.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Carrot Danvers Half Long Organic Seed
Daucus carota sativusSweet and crunchy with dark orange, fine-grained 6-7″ roots and generous yields. This hardy variety is easy to grow, stores well, and stays crisp when cooked. Perfect for deep containers and shallow gardens.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Pea Sugar Daddy Snap Seed
Pisum sativumSugar Daddy combines the great sweet flavor of an edible pod snap pea with a short bushy vine and stringless pods. Usually sets two short pods per node. Delicious raw, steamed,stir-fried or frozen.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Radish Cherry Belle Organic Seed
Raphanus sativusCherry Belle is an early season radish grown for its crunchy, round red roots. Radishes take very little room to grow and can be planted to mature during any cold period. A great starter plant for kids.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomato (Pole) Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Seed
Lycopersicon lycopersicum. Indeterminate.You’ll pick buckets of these tasty cherry tomato treats! Super Sweet 100 has a delicious balance of tomato sweetness with full red-tomato flavor. A prolific producer on vigorous vines that require...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Corn Early Sunglow Hybrid Seed
A very early and reliable producer. Each stalk is about 5′ tall and bears several 6-7″ ears packed with plump yellow kernels. Early Sunglow will be the first sweet corn on your table, sometimes as early as the 4th of July.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Pepper (Sweet) California Wonder Green Bell Organic Seed
Capsicum annuumA favorite for home gardeners. Stocky plants with glossy, deep green leaves bear large crops of 4-5″ green peppers. Mature peppers ripen to bright red and can contain more vitamin C than oranges.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Radish Watermelon Seed
Raphanus sativusAn heirloom daikon radish, with ball-shaped white fruit and crisp bright pink flesh. A cool season crop, milder and sweeter than other radishes. Slice for a stunning addition to salads.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Squash (Summer) Early Prolific Straightneck Organic Seed
Cucurbita pepoAn early maturing bush-type summer squash with delicious smooth, yellow fruits. Produces over an extended season. Baked, broiled, fried, grilled, pickled, raw or frozen–this tender yellow squash is a real treat.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Squash (Summer) Zucchini Dark Green Seed
Cucurbita pepoStraight, cylindrical fruits with creamy white interiors grow on bush-type plants. Produces late spring into fall. Freezes well. Easy to grow!
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Bean (Pole) Scarlet Emperor Seed
Phaseolus coccineusPlant for summer beauty, and reap a bountiful crop of sweet soup beans to enjoy in the fall. Scarlet Emperor produces abundant clusters of bright red blossoms, followed by a heavy crop of 6-8” slender green pods. Easy to grow...
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