Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Squash (Winter) Spaghetti Seed
Cucurbita maximaThick yellow flesh that can be baked, boiled or microwaved and then scooped out to produce spaghetti-like strands. Oblong fruits have smooth rinds tan to orange in color. Will store for three to six months.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Swiss Chard Bright Lights Seed
Beta vulgarisA rainbow of multicolored stems and wrinkled green and bronze leaves. Harvest tender young leaves for subtle, earthy flavor. Easy to grow. A vigorous producer in all climates.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomato (Bush) Celebration Seed
Lycopersicon lycopersicum. Determinate.An improvement on the Celebrity tomato variety, with even higher yields and disease resistence. Produces an abundance of uniform, dark red, 8 oz. fruits with deep flavor. Adapts easily to most regions.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomato (Pole) Beefsteak Organic Seed
Lycopersicon lycopersicum. Indeterminate.The classic slicing tomato. Produces an abundant crop of large, meaty red fruit all season long. A Beefsteak tomato often weighs one pound or more!
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Arugula Rocket Seed
Eruca sativa. Annual.Also known as rocket or roquette, arugula’s tasty young leaves add a delightful spicy flavor to fresh salads and pasta sauces. Very easy and quick to grow. Plant every three weeks for a constant source of tender greens.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Bean (Fava) Broad Windsor Seed
Vicia fabaBroad Windsor fava is an English variety that dates to 1863. Its broad, flat beans are a delicious early summer treat when shelled and lightly cooked in a little olive oil and garlic.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Garden Sweet Hybrid Seed
Cucumis sativusGarden Sweet produces loads of tasty, thin-skinned, burpless cucumbers up to 12″ long. Disease resistant plants produce early and continue all season. Fruits maintain their crisp texture and sweet flavor even in hot, humid weather.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Cucumber Lemon Seed
Cucumis sativusA delightful round yellow cucumber with fine, crunchy texture and non-bitter rind. Easy to grow and prolific, with abundant 2-3″ fruits from midsummer to fall.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Kale Red Russian Organic Seed
Brassica napusThis kale was originally brought to the West by Russian traders. Wavy gray-green leaves tinged with purple taste best when tender. Delicious cooked, or raw in salads.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Onion Walla Walla Sweet Seed
Allium cepaCelebrated for its ultra-mild, sweet flesh. 4” golden-skinned bulbs with white centers. Enjoy sliced, raw or baked whole in foil on the barbeque. Very cold hardy, but does not store well.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Onion White Sweet Spanish Seed
Allium cepaProduces beautiful, large, one pound globe-style onions. This onion is great for soups and salads requiring a mild onion flavor. Can be picked as bunching onions.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Pea Oregon Sugar Pod II Seed
Pisum sativumPopular for its sweet flavor, multiple disease resistance and heavy yields of large stringless pods. Usually produces two pods per node. Vines are short (approx. 30″) and do not need staking. Delicious raw, steamed, stir-fried or...
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