Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Globe Amaranth Mixed Colors Seed
Gomphrena globosa. Annual.Perky, globe-shaped, 1″ flowers are long lasting in a sunny garden or in cut flower bouquets. Plants are heat and drought tolerant. To dry, cut stems shortly after flowers open. Tie stems together and hang upside down in...
Lake Valley Seed
lake Valley Godetia Farewell To Spring Mix Seed
Clarkia amoena. Annual. A hardy native wildflower with upright stems and delicate, cup-shaped flowers. In its native Pacific Northwest, Farewell to Spring displays its colorful flowers in late spring, hence its name. Easy to grow.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Hollyhock Indian Spring Mix Seed
Alcea rosea. Hardy perennial.Old-fashioned single blossoms in white, cream, pink. and red on graceful, tall spires. A cottage favorite. Very hardy and drought tolerant. Blooms early to midsummer. Attracts pollinators.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Kohlrabi Early Purple Vienna Seed
Brassica oleraceaEarly Purple Vienna kohlrabi is an easy-to-grow cool weather crop that forms a distinctive purple ball above the ground. Its color is in the skin only. The crunchy bulbs are white when peeled, just like green kohlrabi. Enjoy them raw or...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Larkspur Imperial Giant Mixed Colors Seed
Consolida ajacis. Annual.A favorite for cutting gardens! Features long, stiff stems covered with flowers in bright blue and pastel of lilac, rose, pink, salmon, and white. Spikes are similar to perennial delphiniums. Blooms early through late...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Lettuce Salad Bowl Red Seeds
Lactuca sativaDeep burgundy version of the popular All America Award-winning green Salad Bowl Lettuce. Deep lobed leaves are ready to cut early and last well into hot weather without bolting or turning bitter. A favorite for fancy salad mixes.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Marigold Crackerjack Mixed Color Seed
Tagetes erecta. Annual.Stunning tall plants with giant yellow, gold, and orange double blossoms. Great for mass plantings or mixed with other summer annuals. Flowers continuously from early summer until frost. Rarely bothered by heat or insects.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Marigold Lemon Drop Seed
Tagetes patula nana double. Annual.Compact, bushy plant loaded with bright, sunny-yellow blossoms. Great for patio containers, mass plantings, or mixed with other summer annuals. Flowers from early summer till frost. Rarely bothered by heat or...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Marigold Sunshine Orange Seed
Tagetes erecta nana. Annual.Marigolds are among the most popular and easy to grow annuals. This bushy, carnation-flowered variety produces masses of rich orange blossoms that brighten sunny beds and borders. Heat resistant.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nasturtium Cherry Rose Seed
Tropaeolum nanum. Annual.Warm red flowers with rich green foliage. Very easy to grow as a bushy border, in baskets, or in patio containers. The pleasantly fragrant flowers and young leaves have a spicy flavor like watercress and are used as garnish...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nasturtium Scarlet Gleam Seed
Tropaeolum majus. Annual.Scarlet Gleam’s semi-trailing habit is perfect for hanging baskets or patio containers. Brilliant red, edible flowers have a spicy flavor that’s the perfect addition to summer salads. Easy to grow.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Nasturtium Tip Top Mahogany Seed
Tropaeolum nanum. Annual.Tip Top’s rich mahogany flowers are held completely over the canopy of dark green foliage for a stunning display. Compact habit is perfect for pots, borders, and hanging baskets. Very easy to grow.
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