Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sweet Pea Knee-High Dwarf Seed
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Dwarf’. Annual.Produces an abundance of sweetly perfumed flowers on vigorous, bushy vines. Grows to about 2 1/2′, perfect for large hanging baskets and containers.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Sweet Pea Royal Family Mixed Seed
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Royal Family’. Annual.Produces an abundance of large, single colored, sweetly perfumed flowers on vigorous climbing vines. Perfect for covering fences and trellises with a bright mass of color.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Swiss Chard Rainbow Organic Seed
Beta vulgarisA bouquet of multicolored stems and wrinkled green and bronze leaves. Harvest tender young leaves for subtle, earthy flavor. Easy to grow. A vigorous producer in all climates.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Tomatillo Green Organic Seed
Physalis ixocarpaEasy to grow and prolific. Produces 2-3″ round fruits with a tart citrus flavor. A staple in Mexican dishes and perfect for green salsas.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Turnip Purple Top White Globe Organic Seed
Brassica rapaSmooth white roots with attractive purple crowns. Both roots and tops are edible and provide an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Best flavor when grown as a spring, fall or winter crop. Very easy to grow.
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Viola King Henry Seed
Viola cornuta. Hardy perennial.Covered with delightful pansy-like flowers of royal purple with a bright yellow eye. King Henry starts blooming in early spring and flowers until stopped by hot weather. Its petite size is perfect for any corner of the...
Lake Valley Seed
Lake Valley Zinnia Whirligig Mixed Colors Seed
Zinnia elegans. Annual.Giant double flowers in bright summer bicolors. Long stems are perfect for cutting over an extended blooming season. Bushy plants are at their best in a mass planting for a dazzling display. One of the best summer annuals for hot...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden ' Love Lies Bleeding' Heirloom Amaranth Seed
Heirloom Amaranth Love Lies Bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus)These old fashioned, cottage garden flowers have long, wine-red tassels of bloom. The dangling ropes of tiny burgundy blossoms have a wonderful texture, like soft chenille. These easy...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Cinnamon Sun' Ornamental Sunflower Seed
Ornamental Sunflowers Cinnamon Sun (Helianthus annuus)EXCLUSIVE – This gorgeous variety has 5 to 6 inch flower faces with brightly glowing cinnamon-bronze petals and chocolate centers. Cinnamon Sun’s vibrant color accents all...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Copper Sunset' Mounding Nasturtium Seed
Mounding Nasturtiums Copper Sunset (Tropaeolum majus)EXCLUSIVE - These free flowering mounding plants adorn themselves with spurless semi-double blooms in warm vibrant shades of coppery-red, like the glowing embers of a vivid summer...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Cupani's Original' Heirloom Sweet Pea Seed
Heirloom Sweet Peas Cupani's Original (Lathyrus odoratus)Ours is an especially strong blooming strain of this heat tolerant treasured heirloom. Its ancestry can be traced to the first wild sweet peas from Sicily named for Father Francis...
Renee's Garden
Renee's Garden 'Cut & Come Again Mustards' Heirloom Greens
Heirloom Greens Cut & Come Again Mustards Our signature blend of the best tasting, quick- growing smooth and frilled leafy mustards. A perfect quick crop for continuous cool season zesty salads or nutritious and flavorful stir-fries...
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