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Sustane Fall Winterizer 8-0-4, 30lb


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Fall Winterizer 8-0-4
Suståne’s Winterizer provides the plant nutrients and carbohydrates that grass needs to prepare for winter, resulting in healthy turf and a quick spring green-up. It contains Slow Release Nitrogen so that it will not promote growth late in the fall, but will instead build up reserves for the winter. Extra potassium sulfate helps the turf build up carbohydrates and proteins, which improves cold tolerance and allows a more healthy plant survival in the winter. Our Winterizer also provides the soil-building characteristics of high-quality compost, to use the winter months to improve soil structure and health.

Apply in September or October. 30 pounds covers up to 5,000 ft.2 Apply 6 pounds. per 1,000 ft.2 Apply 10 pounds per 1,000 ft2 if grass clippings are removed or if the turf is heavily used or intensively managed.